Ongoing Projects

Ongoing projects are projects, activities, and explorations that are outside of the formal projects, yet support and deepen the learning experience. These may be a "one off" project, or run "in the background" throughout the duration of the course. They are graded as a normal project.


Pick a Designer

Each student will, at some point in the semester find a design and do a brief presentation on that individual or individuals (if they worked as a team for the majority of their careers). The students may pick someone who the they are familiar with, or interested in, or they may be assigned one. Below is but one source -there are many others. The presentation will be given in class and posted on the student's eportfolio.


Criteria for the presentation:

  • Be 3-5 minutes in length
  • Include biographical information
  • Address the designer's impact in the history of design
  • Talk about their specific achievements/designs
  • Use both images and text which are properly cited
  • Presentation should be a well designed artifact in and of itself.Using good principles of design.
  • The delivery of the presentation should show that the students knows their subject, can speak directly to the audience, and clearly and compellingly deliver the content of the presentation.


Famous designers

Presentation Rubric


No evidence

Needs work






Length: 3-5 minutes in length






Content 1:

Include biographical information






Content  2:

Address the designer's impact in the history of design






Content 3:

Discusses their specific achievements/designs






Images and Text:

Uses both high quality images and text which are properly cited.






Presentation should be a well designed:

Uses good principles of design.






The delivery of the presentation:

Indicates knowledge of the subject

Can speak directly to the audience without relying on the screen

Clearly and compellingly deliver the content of the presentation.