Design Studio

In this course you will use the skills and knowledge gained at the foundations level to engage in extended design challenges involving different design disciplines. You will delve deeper into the design process, explore more specific skills, tools and techniques, and develop increasingly sophisticated design concepts.  Students will continue to develop, refine and expand skills of digital and analog making, and begin to develop sense of the purpose and potential of design.


To understand and apply the design process to create well conceived, aesthetically compelling  and functional artifacts.


To continue to expand skills of digital and analog making as they apply to the various design fields.


To consider the role of the designer as a problem-solver and active participant in society who has a responsibility to design for the greater common good.


The Design Process


1. Define the Problem

You can’t find a solution until you have a clear idea of what the problem is.

2. Collect Information

Collect sketches, take photographs and gather data to start giving you inspiration.

3. Brainstorm and Analyze Ideas

Begin to sketch, make, and study so you can start to understand how all the data and information you’ve collected may impact your design.

4. Develop Solutions

Take your preliminary ideas and form multiple small-scale design solutions.

5. Gather Feedback

Present your ideas to as many people as possible: friends, teachers, professionals, and any others you trust to give insightful comments.

6. Improve

Reflect on all of your feedback and decide if or to what extent it should be incorporated. It is often helpful to take solutions back through the Design Process to refine and clarify them.


Discover Design Handbook:Chicago Architecture Program