Design Project - Packaging

BBA and The Dene Farm are looking for some packaging design help. Specifically, they are looking for a better way to transport and market their micro greens. Current solutions are adequate but lack both functional and aesthetic elements that might make the product more appealing and thus sellable.


Your goal is to explore and develop several prototypes that will solve this problem. 


The project will use as its structure the basic design process: Defining the problem, exploring and researching best practices, brainstorming possible solutions, prototyping and refining the best solutions, presenting your final prototypes to the client.


Your packaging design must meet the following criteria:


Have good functionality: easy to use (for customer and producer) handling and pop, protects the product, efficient and appropriate use of materials.

Have good aesthetics: Conveys the appropriate message about the product and its origins and the people who produce and sell it.

Use both the BBA and Dene Farm logos

Include any important or required nutritional information.


Part 1 – Define the problem: Write a problem statement for this project, do market research, interview and discuss the project with Derek Andersen and others. Survey others about what they look for in a well packaged product. What is the approach you will take to solving this problem?


Part 2 – Research packaging design – generally, and specifically (perishable food items).

What ways have others approached the problem? Visit retail food stores to understand how packaging and display works. Is the idea of recyclable, compostable packaging a viable option. Explore what materials are available or currently in use.


Part 3 – Brainstorm Ideas: Using your problem definition and research (while continuing to pursue both) develop multiple possibilities for the package design. This should be done primarily in your sketchbook. Develop as many ideas as possible. Rapid prototype  in  3D some of the most promising ideas.


Part 4 – Prototype and refine your best designs we are looking to develop at least 3 viable prototypes to present. Depending on the design and the materials used this may involve working with Adobe illustrator and other programs as well as the laser cutter, engraver and analog 2d and 3d tools and processes. 


Part 5 – Present your research, customer surveys and any other process artifacts (sketches, rough prototypes, renderings etc.) that you have engaged in, along with your final prototype.



Activity -1  Basic Research

Create a presentation about packaging design that addresses the following:


A basic Timeline of the evolution of packaging design.

Packaging design as 3d graphic design.

The basic types of packaging

The basic functions of packaging

The societal/environmental costs and benefits of packaging.


Please does this presentation together and share with me. Also post on your e portfolio. Thanks!

Activity -2 Create a Timeline for the project

Create a realistic timeline for this project. Estimate what total amount of time will be needed to produce a credible design.

Activity -3 - Initial Brainstorm

Begin the brainstorming process with a group brainstorm

 Activity - 4  Specific design problem research (Part 1)

Site visits: “Super”market,  Dene Farm. Observation of packaging and the role of  packaging in influencing the consumer. The spatial and visual dynamics of supermarket merchandizing.

Activity - 5 Define The Problem

Interview, Derek Andersen about his work at the Dene farm as well as specific information on the growing of microgreens, their handling and selling. Also consider interviewing consumers of locally grown food products. Craft a design challenge statement which will form the basis and direction of your project.