Design Process

The simplified design process

design and production.png

A more detailed version of the design process

Stanford's Dschool - design thinking model

There are dozens of different models of the design process. Most are saying basically the same thing. Watch this short video which explains Stanford University's dSchool model of the design thinking process.

Design Thinking


Take notes in your sketch book and be prepared to discuss this in class


A first and essential step in the design process is the understanding the needs of the "user". Not from your perspective, as designer, but from the point of view of the user. A failure to establish this link, between the designer and the user, can create problems later on as you engage with other phases of the project. Empathy helps you to DEFINE the problem which you are going to solve.


The Designer Patricia Moore is credited with bringing these ideas into the mainstream of the design world. Please watch this video to see the amazing lengths that she went to, to understand her users,


Patricia Moore video


More Empathy!

Read the pdf which I shared with you. Write a response to the topics covered in the video and this pdf. Also be prepared to discuss this in class as well as general information on the design process.